Conduct for Workers

A] Code of Conduct for Workers:-
What should the worker accept and what should he reject?
  • When sitting on the stage in the meeting, do not sit next to the senior, to the right. Should fit the position. Respect your superiors. Say Jaibhim at the first meeting.
  • Don't make long introductions. Introduce in a few words. Don't criticize personally, don't scold others.
  • Worker's dress, hairstyle should be beautiful. Hair should be trimmed / shaved. There should be clean clothes. Smith should be humorous.
B] How to be a worker:-
The worker should be enthusiastic, not lazy.
  • Must be self-absorbed in work.
  • The worker should be restrained in his speech.
  • The worker should be free from superstition.
  • Be aware of gratitude.
  • The worker should not be a bot, he should be a decision maker according to the occasion.
  • The worker should be studious.
  • There should be no egoism in the workers.
  • No work should be underestimated.
  • The worker should be knowledgeable.
  • Your points should be made clear.
  • The worker should be loyal.
  • I should use the word 'we / you' instead of the word.
  • Vote on the problem.
  • Respect should be respected.
  • Treat each other with respect.
  • Apologies immediately if something goes wrong unknowingly.
  • The worker should be aware of the time.
  • Discipline, honesty, sacrifice and determination should be the qualities.
  • Work without stress.
  • Don't hurt each other.
  • Don't compete with each other.
  • The worker should motivate others.
  • The worker should expand the branch by increasing the number of members.
  • The worker should be the protector of the society and the friend of the people.
  • Always wear white clothes.
  • The worker should be free from addiction.
  • The worker should be in constant touch.
  • The activist should not believe the rumours.
  • The responsibility assigned by the party should be fulfilled properly and on time.
  • The party order should be strictly followed.
C] The concept of effective leadership
  • He who thinks only of others without thinking of himself can be a great leader.
  • True leadership is supportive, helpful.
  • Leadership is about embracing others. Leadership is about leading people. To force people to follow you. Leadership is to put aside personal desires. People should feel that this party is ours.
  • Don't worry about praise, criticism or personal reactions, be patient.
  • Humility is a symbol of strength.
  • Leadership is loyalty, before gaining the loyalty of the people, you have to be loyal to it.
  • Act as much as you can. Don't insist, exercise restraint, remember that it takes time to get new ideas.
  • Encourage your colleagues. Let them learn from mistakes. Gradually increase its functionality.
  • Don't be overwhelmed by the popularity you get.
  • No one in the world will ask you unless you have an organization.
  • The quality of your co-workers should be made more efficient.
  • Work on the strength of the people. The greater the constructive power, the more efficient it can be.
  • True success depends on the spontaneous motivation of the participants.

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